
國際條約在歐盟會員國憲法上的地位(中)The condition of international treaties in the constitutions of EU member states

國立高雄大學榮譽教授 王泰銓

National University of Kaohsiung  Emeritus Professor Dominique T.C. Wang





西班牙憲法(1978年國會通過,2020年修訂)[4]國際條約章第93條,憲法賦予機構締結條約的權力得經其授權移交給國際組織或機構。視情況而定,國會(the Cortes Generales)或政府有責任確保遵守這些條約以及這種權力已移交給這些組織的國際組織和超國家組織的決議。國會締結含有違反憲法規定的國際條約,應事先進行憲法修正。政府或國會任何一院均可請求憲法法院(the Constitutional Court)宣布是否存在這種矛盾(第95條)。國際條約有效締約公布生效後,即成為國內法的一部分。只能以條約本身規定的方式或根據國際法的一般規則,廢除、修改或暫停其規定(第96條)。憲法第94條所規定的訂立國際條約和協定的程序適用於通告廢除國際條約和協定。



葡萄牙共和國憲法(1976年發布,2005年修訂)[6]第8條[7],一般國際法的基本原則和規則構成葡萄牙內部法律的一部分。正式批准或通過的國際公約中所包含的規範,在正式公布後即在葡萄牙國內法中發生效力,只要它們對葡萄牙具有持續性國際約束力。葡萄牙所屬的國際組織主管機關發布的規範在葡萄牙國內法中直接生效,但前提是各自的組成條約中對此有所規定。在葡萄牙國內法中,根據歐盟的條約規定及其機構各自職權範圍內發布的規則,適用歐盟法及民主法治國家的基本原則。  憲法所規定的基本權利不應排除適用國際法和法律原則可能規定的其它權利(第16條[8])。


奧地利聯邦憲法法(1953年公布,2021年修訂)[9] 第一章A部分總綱第9條規定,一般承認的國際法規則,視為聯邦法律的組成部分。根據法律或根據憲法國家主權可移轉給其他國家或國際組織。同樣,可以規範外國在奧地利境內的機構或國際組織的活動以及奧地利在國外的機構的活動,並規定將其他國家或國際組織的權力移轉給奧地利機構[10]。在此框架內,可以規定奧地利的機關應服從其他國家或國際組織的機關的授權,或者此些機關應服從奧地利機關的授權。另外依照第10條第1項聯邦關於歐洲議會選舉、歐洲公民倡議,具有立法和執行權; B部分歐盟專章(第23a-23k條)包括:  奧地利歐洲議會成員的選舉;任職歐洲議會議員的待遇與限制;歐盟機構代表的選舉與任命方式;奧地利聯邦、各邦與歐盟整合的關係;奧地利聯邦歐盟事務部長的職責;國會兩院國民議會和聯邦議會(The National Council and the Federal Council)職權的行使;國民議會和聯邦議會對歐洲聯盟法案違反補充原則的處理;國民議會和聯邦議會可決定向歐洲聯盟法院針對違反補充原則的立法行為提出索賠;奧地利歐盟高峰會(The Austrian member in the European Council)代表可根據第7條提出的倡議針對里斯本條約版本的歐洲聯盟條約第8段第7款僅在聯邦政府的提議基礎上,經國民議會批准,並獲得聯邦議會的同意。國民議會和聯邦議會的此類決議均要求至少有二分之一成員出席,並需要三分之二多數票通過;奧地利關於歐洲聯盟的共同對外安全、共同防禦政策;聯邦委員會根據憲法規定的權限。


瑞典憲法 (基本法與國會法) (2016版本)[11] 明文,瑞典憲法由〈政府組織法〉(The Instrument of Government) 、〈國會法〉(The Riksdag Act)、〈王位繼承法〉(The Act of Succession)、〈新聞自由法〉(The Freedom of the Press Act)、〈言論自由基本法〉 (The Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression)組成,用法律保護民主。

 根據政府組織法第1章第10條,瑞典是歐洲聯盟的成員。在其他組織下瑞典參加聯合國框架的國際合作和歐洲理事會(the Council of Europe)。瑞典的所有公共權力都來自人民,而瑞典議會是人民的最重要代表,制訂第8章第2條相關的法律,其中包括選舉歐洲議會議員(6項)。

第10章關於國際關係,規定與其他國家或國際組織的協議由政府締結(第1條)。對於不需議會或外交事務諮詢委員會(Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs)參與締結的國際協議,政府可指示行政當局締結之(第2條)。政府締結在瑞典領域內具有約束力的國際協議之前必須先獲得國會的通過(第3條[12]):1.如果協議要求修改或廢除某項法律行為或頒布新的法規;2.或是否有其他事項要由國會決定。同樣的國會可以根據第3條同意通過一項在歐盟合作框架內締結的協議,即使該協議不存在最終形式(第4條)。退出國際協議的方式,如同以上締約形式進行(第5條)。在歐盟合作的框架內,國會可以移轉決策權,但這並不影響瑞典所依據的基本原則(the basic principles by which Sweden is governed)。這種移轉的前提是,與移轉有關的合作領域對權利和自由的保護與政府組織法和歐洲保護人權和基本自由公約所提供的權利相對應。如果要權力移轉,須經國會議員四分之三出席且二分之一同意通過。瑞典國會的決定也可以按照制定基本法規定的程序作出。在國會同意通過第3條之下的協議之前,無法決定是否移讓(第6條)。


國會法第七章專章規範國會歐盟事務委員會的權責:任命國會組成外交事務委員( 第2條);依〈政府組織法與政府進行磋商(第3條);任務分配(第5-11條)、討論有關歐盟業務事宜(第12-15條)與政府進行審議;監督歐盟業務的義務(第13條),政府與歐盟事務委員會的磋商(第14條); 會議事項(第15-21條),包括第17條、第18條對公眾公開會議過程。



第8章(Section 94-97)專章處理外交事務及歐盟關係。芬蘭的外交政策由共和國總統與政府合作制定。但是,芬蘭承擔及其退出國際義務的條約,需經國會表決通過並決定使其在憲法規定的範圍內生效。總統在議會同意下決定戰爭與和平問題。政府負責國家準備在歐盟中作出的決定,並決定隨之而來的芬蘭措施,除非該決定需要議會同意。議會按照憲法的規定,參加在歐盟內作出的國家決定的準備工作。將重要的外交政策立場傳達給外國和國際組織,是外交事務部長的職責(第93條)。




如果國會議員代表芬蘭擔任歐洲議會議員時,他的芬蘭國會議員職權將被暫停(第28條)。國會的委員會成員應遵守委員會認為必要的保密級別。但是,在審議與芬蘭的國際關係或歐盟事務有關的事項時,委員會成員在聽取政府的意見後,應遵守外交事務委員會或高級委員會認為必要的保密層級(第50條)。另外,憲法第66條第2項規定總理在歐盟高峰會代表芬蘭。除非政府另有決定,否則總理還代表芬蘭參加要求國家最高層參與的歐盟其他活動。  加入歐盟後,芬蘭的公民權亦有明文(第14條[14])。


愛沙尼亞共和國憲法(1992年通過生效,2015年修正)[15] 第3條,政府的權力僅根據憲法和與其相符的法律行使。國際公認的國際法原則和規則是愛沙尼亞法律體系不可分割的一部分。愛沙尼亞和其他國家以及國際組織間的行為步驟以法律定之。國會(The Riigikogu)批准和作廢憲法第121條[16]規定的條約。愛沙尼亞不加入牴觸憲法的國際條約。法律或其他措施與國會批准的國際條約相抵觸時,適用該國際條約的規定(第123條),也就是國際條約高於國內法律。





國會(The Seimas)批准或退出憲法第138條[20]列舉的國際條約,考慮其他外交政策問題(第67條第16項)。國會批准的國際條約構成立法律體系的一部分。立陶宛共和國在執行其外交政策時,遵循國際公認的國際法原則和規範,力求確保該國的安全與獨立,公民的福祉及其基本權利和自由,並為發展基於法律和正義的國際秩序做出貢獻(第135條)。立陶宛共和國參加國際組織,但前提是不違背國家利益和國家獨立(第136條)。

立陶宛共和國加入歐盟後, 2004年7月13日另外再增加立陶宛共和國在歐洲聯盟中的成員資格的憲法法[21] ,補充立陶宛共和國憲法與歐盟關係,以及對立陶宛共和國憲法第150條的補充。該憲法法基於作為歐盟會員國的立陶宛應與歐盟分享或授予其國家機構在歐盟條約所規定的領域內的權限,並應在其範圍內與歐盟其他成員國共同履行其在這些領域的會員承諾,並享有會員權利。歐盟法規範應成為立陶宛法律的一部分。如果涉及歐盟的創始條約,則應直接適用歐盟法的規範,而在法律規範發生衝突的情況下,它們優越於立陶宛共和國的法律和其他法律行為。政府採用歐盟法規範涉及國會權限有關領域的法案時,政府應諮詢國會。國會可就這些草案向政府提出建議。國會的歐洲事務委員會和外交事務委員會可以根據國會規約規定的程序,向政府提交關於通過歐盟法規範的提案的意見。政府應評估國會或其委員會提交的建議或意見,並應按照法律規定的程序將其執行情況告知國會。


波蘭共和國憲法(1993公布,2009年修正)[22] 第87條規定,波蘭具有普遍約束力的法律淵源包括:憲法、法規、批准的國際協議,以及條例。地方法規在建立該法規的機構的運作範圍具有普遍約束力。批准或退出國際協定涉及第89條[23]規定的:「和平、結盟、政治或軍事條約;憲法規定的公民的自由、權利與義務;波蘭加入國際組織成為會員;國家承擔相當大的財務責任;受法規約束的事項或憲法要求法規形式涉及的事項」,必須先得到法律形式的同意(require prior consent granted by statute)。不須以法律形式同意批准的國際協定,部長會議主席(The President of the Council of Ministers)(the Prime Minister總理)告知眾議院(the Sejm)提交共和國總統簽署同意事宜。締結和退出國際協定的原則和程序應由法律規定。

 根據憲法第90條規定[24],波蘭可依據國際條約或協定,將主權移轉給國際組織或國際機構。但需參、眾議院至少有法定代表人數一半的情況下,以三分之二多數票同意通過批准該國際協定的法律。或是全國公民投票通過該協議。    第91條[25]規定,批准的國際協議在公報公布後,構成國內法律秩序的一部分,並應直接適用,除非其實施取決於法規的制訂。如果事先以法律形式同意批准的國際協議與一些法律相抵觸,則被批准的國際協議優先於其他法律。如果波蘭共和國通過的建立國際組織的協議如此規定,則該協議所確立的法律應直接適用,並在法律衝突的情況下具有優先權。


捷克共和國憲法(1993年通過,2013年修正)[26]明文,捷克共和國遵守國際法引起的義務。已被批准頒布的條約是法律秩序的一部分。如果條約規定的不是其他法規的規定,則以條約規定為準[27]。   捷克共和國當局的某些權力可以通過條約移轉給國際組織或機構。讓渡國家權力,需要國會同意,除非憲法法(a constitutional act)要求通過全民公投[28]。 締結涉及第49條[29]列舉的國際條約需經國會兩院的同意:1.影響人的權利或義務;2.具有聯盟、和平或其他政治性質;3.捷克共和國成為國際組織的成員;4.具有一般的經濟性質;5.法律規定的其他事項。


斯洛伐克共和國憲法 (1992年生效,2017年增修)[30] 開宗明義,斯洛伐克共和國承認並遵守國際法的一般規則,以及受其約束的國際條約及其他國際義務(第1條第2項);透過全民公投決定與其他國家結盟或退出結盟;以法律規定的方式批准和頒布的國際條約,或在該條約的基礎上,將其部分權力的行使移轉給歐洲共同體和歐洲聯盟。歐洲共同體和歐洲聯盟具有法律約束力的法規範優先於斯洛伐克共和國的法律。第7條[31]結盟或其退出,必需由一項憲法法(a constitutional law)的決定,並經公投確認。斯洛伐克共和國得根據依法批准公布的條約或以此條約的基礎,移轉部分主權的行使給歐體/歐盟國家議會的投票通過。人權和基本自由的國際條約,國際政治、軍事條約,加入國際組織的國際條約,以及一般的國際經濟條約,需以法律規定的方式通過執行的國際條約,以及直接確立自然人或法人的權利或義務的國際條約,必需事先得到國民議會(the National Council)的批准。人權和基本自由的國際條約,不需以法律規定的方式通過執行的國際條約,直接確立自然人或法人的權利或義務的國際條約,以及依法批准頒布的國際條約,其效力高於法律。


簽署國際條約的合法性問題,送交憲法法院裁定[33]。源自捷克斯洛伐克國際條約的權利及義務有拘束力的移轉到斯洛伐克共和國,範圍涵蓋捷克斯洛伐克所發布的憲法及斯洛伐克共和國與捷克共和國間所簽署的協議(  第153條)。


[1] 希臘憲法Constitution of Greece, https://www.hellenicparliament.gr/UserFiles/f3c70a23-7696-49db-9148-f24dce6a27c8/001-156%20aggliko.pdf

[2] Ibid., Article 28  1. The generally recognised rules of international law, as well as international conventions as of the time they are ratified by statute and become operative according to their respective conditions, shall be an integral part of domestic Greek law and shall prevail over any contrary provision of the law. The rules of international law and of international conventions shall be applicable to aliens only under the condition of reciprocity. 2. Authorities provided by the Constitution may by treaty or agreement be vested in agencies of international organizations, when this serves an important national interest and promotes cooperation with other States. A majority of three-fifths of the total number of Mem bers of Parliament shall be necessary to vote the law ratifying the treaty or agreement. 3. Greece shall freely proceed by law passed by an absolute majority of the total number of Members of Parliament to limit the exercise of national sovereignty, insofar as this is dictated by an important national interest, does not infringe upon the rights of man and the foundations of democratic government and is effected on the basis of the principles of equality and under the condition of reciprocity.

[3] Ibid., Article 80  1. No salary, pension, subsidy or remuneration shall be entered in the State budget or granted, unless it is provided for by statute concerning the organization or other special statute. 2. The minting or issuing of currency shall be regulated by law.** Interpretative clause: Paragraph 2 does not impede the participation of Greece in the process of the Economic and Monetary Union, in the wider framework of European integration, according to the provisions of article 28.

[4] 西班牙憲法Constitution of Spain, https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/lang/en/espana/leyfundamental/Paginas/index.aspx

[5] Ibid., Section 135  1. All public administration services shall adapt their actions to the principle of budgetary stability.

 2. Neither the State nor the Regional Governments may incur a structural deficit that exceeds the margins established, as the case may be, by the European Union for its Member States. A Constitutional Law shall set the maximum structural deficit permitted for the State and for the Regional Governments in relation to the gross domestic product thereof. Local authorities shall be required to present a balanced budget.

3. The State and the Regional Governments shall require legislative authorisation to issue public debt or secure credit. Loans to meet payment on the interest and capital of the public debt held by the public administration services shall always be deemed to be included in budget expenditure and their payment shall receive absolute priority. Such loans may not be subject to amendment or modification while they are in line with the conditions established by legislation on the issue thereof. The volume of public debt held by the public administration services as a whole in relation to the gross domestic product of the State may not exceed the reference value established in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

4. The limits on the structural deficit and the volume of public debt may only be exceeded in the event of natural disaster, economic recession or situations of extraordinary emergency beyond the control of the State and which seriously prejudice the financial situation or the economic or social sustainability of the State in the opinion of an absolute majority of the Members of the Lower House of Parliament. 5. A Constitutional Law shall develop the principles provided for in this article, as well as the involvement in the respective procedures by the institutional bodies for coordination between the public administration services in matters of fiscal and financial policy. At any event, it shall govern: a) the distribution of the deficit and debt limits between the various public administration services, the exceptional cases when the same may be exceeded and the method and term to correct deviations that may arise in relation to one or another; b) the methodology and procedure for calculating the structural deficit; c) the responsibility of each public administration service in the event of failure to comply with budgetary stability targets.

6. Pursuant to their respective governing statutes and within the limits referred to in this article, the Regional Governments shall adopt the appropriate provisions to effectively apply the principle of stability in their regulations and budgetary decisions.

[6] 葡萄牙憲法Constitution of The Portuguese Republic, https://dre.pt/constitution-of-the-portuguese-republic

[7] Ibid., Article 8  1. The norms and principles of general or common international law form an integral part of Portuguese law.

2. The norms contained in duly ratified or approved international conventions come into force in Portuguese internal law once they have been officially published, and remain so for as long as they are internationally binding on the Portuguese state.

3. The norms issued by the competent organs of international organisations to which Portugal belongs come directly into force in Portuguese internal law, on condition that this is laid down in the respective constituent treaties.

4. The provisions of the treaties that govern the European Union and the norms issued by its institutions in the exercise of their respective competences are applicable in Portuguese internal law in accordance with Union law and with respect for the fundamental principles of a democratic state based on the rule of law.

[8] Ibid., Article 16 1. The fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution shall not exclude any others set out in applicable international laws and legal rules.

2. The constitutional precepts concerning fundamental rights must be interpreted and completed in harmony with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

[9]奧地利憲法 Federal Constitutional Law of Austria ,

[10] Ibid., Article 50

[11] 瑞典憲法The Constitution of Sweden (the fundamental laws and the riksdag act), https://www.riksdagen.se/globalassets/07.-dokument--lagar/the-constitution-of-sweden-160628.pdf

[12] Ibid., Article 3 The Riksdag’s approval is required before the Government concludes an international agreement which is binding upon the Realm: 1. if the agreement requires the amendment or abrogation of an act of law or the enactment of a new act of law; 2. or if it otherwise concerns a matter to be decided by the Riksdag. If, in a case under paragraph one, points 1 or 2, a special procedure has been prescribed for the required Riksdag decision, the same procedure shall be applied in approving the agreement.

[13] 芬蘭憲法The Constitution of Finland, https://www.finlex.fi/en/laki/kaannokset/1999/en19990731.pdf

[14] Ibid., Section 14 -Electoral and participatory rights

Every Finnish citizen who has reached eighteen years of age has the right to vote in national elections and referendums. Specific provisions in this Constitution shall govern the eligibility to stand for office in national elections.

Every Finnish citizen and every other citizen of the European Union resident in Finland, having attained eighteen years of age, has the right to vote in the European Parliamentary elections, as provided by an Act. (1112/2011, entry into force 1.3.2012).

Every Finnish citizen and every foreigner permanently resident in Finland, having attained eighteen years of age, has the right to vote in municipal elections and municipal referendums, as provided by an Act. Provisions on the right to otherwise participate in municipal government are laid down by an Act.

The public authorities shall promote the opportunities for the individual to participate in societal activity and to influence the decisions that concern him or her.

[15] 愛沙尼亞憲法The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/ee/rhvv/act/521052015001/consolide

[16] Ibid., § 121. The Riigikogu ratifies and denounces treaties of the Republic of Estonia:

1) which modify the state border;

2) whose implementation requires the passage, amendment or repeal of Estonian laws;

3) by which the Republic of Estonia joins an international organisation or union;

4) by which the Republic of Estonia assumes military or financial obligations;

5) which require ratification.

[17] 拉脫維亞The Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, https://www.saeima.lv/en/legislative-process/constitution

[18] Ibid., 68. All international agreements, which settle matters that may be decided by the legislative process, shall require ratification by the Saeima.

Upon entering into international agreements, Latvia, with the purpose of strengthening democracy, may delegate a part of its State institution competencies to international institutions. The Saeima may ratify international agreements in which a part of State institution competencies are delegated to international institutions in sittings in which at least two-thirds of the members of the Saeima participate, and a two-thirds majority vote of the members present is necessary for ratification.

Membership of Latvia in the European Union shall be decided by a national referendum, which is proposed by the Saeima.

Substantial changes in the terms regarding the membership of Latvia in the European Union shall be decided by a national referendum if such referendum is requested by at least one-half of the members of the Saeima.

[19] 立陶宛憲法The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, https://www.lrkt.lt/en/about-the-court/legal-information/the-constitution/192

[20] Ibid., Article 138 The Seimas shall ratify or denounce the following international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania:

1) on the alteration of the boundaries of the State of the Republic of Lithuania;

2) on political co-operation with foreign states; mutual assistance treaties; as well as treaties of a defensive nature related to the defence of the State;

3) on the renunciation of the use of force or threatening by force; as well as peace treaties;

4) on the presence and status of the armed forces of the Republic of Lithuania on the territories of foreign states;

5) on the participation of the Republic of Lithuania in universal international organisations and regional international organisations;

6) multilateral or long-term economic treaties.

Laws, as well as international treaties, may also provide for other cases when the Seimas ratifies international treaties of the Republic of Lithuania.

International treaties ratified by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania shall be a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania.

[21] Ibid., the Constitutional Act of the Republic of Lithuania on Membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union

The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,

executing the will of the citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, as expressed in the referendum on membership of the Republic of Lithuania in the European Union, held on 10-11 May 2003,

expressing its conviction that the European Union respects human rights and fundamental freedoms and that Lithuanian membership in the European Union will contribute to the more efficient securing of human rights and freedoms,

noting that the European Union respects the national identity and constitutional traditions of its Member States,

seeking to ensure the fully fledged participation of the Republic of Lithuania in the European integration, as well as the security of the Republic of Lithuania and welfare of its citizens,

having ratified, on 16 September 2003, the Treaty Between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Republic of Austria, the Portuguese Republic, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Member States of the European Union) and the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic Concerning the Accession of the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia, the Slovak Republic to the European Union, signed on 16 April 2003 in Athens, adopts and proclaims this Constitutional Act:

1. The Republic of Lithuania as a Member State of the European Union shall share with or confer on the European Union the competences of its state institutions in the areas provided for in the founding Treaties of the European Union and to the extent it would, together with the other Member States of the European Union, jointly meet its membership commitments in those areas, as well as enjoy membership rights.

2. The norms of European Union law shall be a constituent part of the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania. Where it concerns the founding Treaties of the European Union, the norms of European Union law shall be applied directly, while in the event of the collision of legal norms, they shall have supremacy over the laws and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.

3. The Government shall inform the Seimas about the proposals to adopt the acts of European Union law. As regards the proposals to adopt the acts of European Union law regulating the areas that, under the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, are related to the competences of the Seimas, the Government shall consult the Seimas. The Seimas may recommend to the Government a position of the Republic of Lithuania in